In addition to carefully picking and using appropriate ingredients, it is equally important to avoid certain things. Abrasive, mechanical/physical exfoliation ingredients of any kind are to be avoided. If Hydroxy Acids are used, they should be infrequent, at low percentages and only those with large molecules for slow absorption are recommended. Lactic and Gluconic Acids are good examples. Mild enzymes can sometimes be tolerated to remove dead skin because they don’t alter the pH of the skin or absorb, they simply break down the superficial dead skin cells on the outermost surface.
One of the primary issues with sensitive skin is the lack of barrier function. The skin’s most important job is to protect and when the skin barrier is not intact, things go awry. The outer stratum of the skin is layers of keratinized, flattened cells that are embedded in a mortar of waterproof lipids. This provides an excellent way of preventing water within from evaporating or leaking out. It also protects the body from anything foreign (such as antigens) from entering.
Almost everyone at some time in their life will have skin sensitivity – whether it is because of living in a harsh climate, using the wrong products or getting an aggressive treatment. A relatively small percentage of the world population has a genetic link to sensitivity, meaning that they will experience it their entire life. Most people in this category experience periods of 'sensitization'.
One of the most common skin concerns our clients want to address is dark spots. Also known as age spots or sun spots, these pesky problems are one of the first signs of aging, sometimes even before wrinkles or loss of elasticity.
When it comes to making the right choice of liner for your eye color, things can sometimes get confusing! My basic suggestion (not a rule by any means, as rules are made to be broken!) is to pick an eyeliner color that is opposite your eye color in undertone. For example, when it comes to brown eyes, most people want them to look as rich as possible. Using blues and charcoals will help brown eyes really stand out.